Pandemic/epidemic Disease Control Measures
The first goal of our research group is to develop low cost transdermal/oral vaccines with high efficacy as well as universal infection control measures. We research technologies to solve global health issues related to pandemic and epidemic diseases. In the event of a pandemic or epidemic outbreak, vaccines can greatly reduce morbidity and mortality. However, storage stability is a primary challenge in vaccine technology. Additionally, several months pass before the newly developed vaccine is available for administration. Thus, our investigation is conducted under two different scenarios: available and unavailable vaccine. In the first case, we aim to produce long-term stable, solid vaccines for oral administration. In the second case, we functionalize the filters of surgical masks and respirators to deactivate multiple viral strains. This research aims to develop universal and reusable personal protective measures with no risk of cross contamination.
Infection control measures against airborne viruses (e.g. Influenza, SARS, MERS, coronavirus)
Noninvasive vaccine delivery systems (e.g. oral influenza vaccine)
Microfabricated drug delivery systems
Solid vaccine formulation/stability
Characterization of enveloped vaccine/virus
Hybrid Living/nonliving Functional Emergent Systems
This research seeks to provide an alternative method to conventional fabrication technology to manufacture nanoscale devices by utilizing natural materials and ideas. Living organisms carry out certain life processes with optimal functionality through cellular and sub-cellular biochemical reactions. As living organisms represent a good model for engineers, functional biological materials of interest have been used as a component in the creation of nanobio devices. Our research goals include extension of protein-incorporated polymersomes to create a complex cellular process and fabrication of functional emergent systems by mimicking natural processes. In addition, our research interests include transformation of natural waste materials into value-added energy products or as a substitute of conventional environmental control measures. We are also investigating natural waste materials as potential replacement of existing energy source and environment treatments, i.e. cellulose production, ethanol production, water purification, and carbon dioxide sequestration. This integrative fusion technology can be realized by broad multidisciplinary skills in materials, chemistry, biology, and device fabrication. Ultimately, materials and structure of nature systems can be used to produce biofuels and to develop water purification/air filtration devices.
New design & fabrication of nanobiological systems for energy production and environmental control measures
Value creation of natural waste materials
Biotic/abiotic artificial organelles
Biosynthesis using a bubble arthitecture